Aren Bahia – Life & Leadership Coaching Vancouver

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Life Leadership Coaching Vancouver Aren Bahia

Aren Bahia is a Canadian entrepreneur, philanthropist and yoga teacher who lived a “full spectrum life” from organized crime to spiritual development in Asia. Since starting his life over in Bali in 2016, he’s launched 4 businesses and raised tens of thousands of dollars for underprivileged and mentally disabled Balinese children.

Aren’s Full Reset Coaching is a step-by-step guided program that works either 1-on-1 or in groups to help you find inner peace and create abundance for yourself. He uses his formative experiences in contrasting lifestyles to connect others to their true purpose through spirituality and self-development.

Ways Life Coaching Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

The first step is to find your “why.” This means determining what’s most important to you, identifying and defining your values and a way to bring them into your work. After that, it’s time to create a plan for how you’ll accomplish your vision.

You’ll also be asked to assess your strengths and values, so that you can focus your efforts on what you do best. After that, you’ll be guided through a process that’s designed to get you from where you are now to where you want to be in three months or less.

Aren’s executive coaching is ideal for new executives, managers or supervisors who want to earn respect, build relationships and see results in their professional lives. They’ll work with their coach to develop a clear leadership style that generates desired outcomes and builds important relationships. Then, they’ll work with their coach to identify and manage challenges that arise in their professional and personal lives.

Life & Leadership Coaching – Aren Bahia Coach
Phone: +16047642905

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