Caster suppliers are an essential component of material handling equipment, and their proper selection and maintenance improves workplace efficiency and productivity. The right casters can also save your business money by keeping employees healthy and free from injury-related costs.
Caster suppliers offer a wide variety of options for materials handling products including casters, wheels and other components. They are capable of providing solutions for any application and can work closely with you to ensure that you’re getting the best caster for your specific needs.
The main parts of a caster are the frame, yoke, spring mechanism and wheel. These components are often made from metals such as forged steel, aluminum and stainless steel.
Stock Up on Casters: Tips for Managing Your Caster Supply Inventory
Frame: The frame of a caster is often made from a thick metal sheet. It can be cut to size using a computer-guided cutting machine. The frame has legs that fit over a wheel that is held in place by an axle. The frame can also serve as a mounting surface for the caster plate or swivel head.
Yoke: The yoke is the part of a caster that holds the wheel in place and works with a swivel head to allow the caster wheel to operate in a 360 degree rotation. The yoke can be made of plastic, rubber, urethane or forged steel.
Spring: Some casters use spring mechanisms to provide shock absorbing or vibration dampening functions. The spring mechanism can be a coiled steel spring, hydraulic or elastomeric.